Thursday 21 April 2016

Hanging with my peeps dawg.....

Here are my initial findings on the people, i wont go to great detail, but Pankhurst lead the suffragette movement, David was a famous chef that brought spices to the UK fresh after the world war, also happened to have a really interesting life. And finally Mr Salt, he made salts mill and saltaire, alongside pioneering alpaca wool, a straight up kind and brainy guy. If you need any more info, my findings are in the sketchbook.

So, what can i do with Pankhurst, a few ideas that i quite liked came to mind actually, first with scenes that depict her giving a speech to a rally, her in prison thanks to her "one does not expect to be comfortable in prison" remark, or in the same line an image of her being arrested. Starting coloured stuff, i continue the use of vibrant tones from the previous project, i'm pretty hooked on this practice at the moment. Because of this i had a little moment of inspiration.The colours used in the hand clutching the votes for women sheet, with the red line work and highlighter filling, struck me as very punk. Upon noticing this i then realised that the suffragette movement was quite punk itself, with Pankhurst saying some golden lines for rebellion, the prison one being an example. A final note, and this is just me being daft, but Punk Rock, sounds really good when you put it in front of Pankhurst, its almost fated that i work with this idea.

But i can't be getting too ahead of myself here, i also have to think of Elisabeth David, because she has some potential too. I for sure am thinking that if i choose this one it would be a mix of location and food, seen as she's a chef thats been everywhere. With this i thought of the stamps first, and how i could illustrate dishes that replicate an environment, so lets say a cake that looks like the roman colosseum. I could even take this idea to a physical extent and make said foods. I didn't generate any other ideas for David that were in my eyes, worthwhile, and salt didn't catch my attention at all. So as can be seen on the second page, i got some punk rock Pankhurst work done.

The idea i have so far is to draw Pankhurst and other suffragettes in outfits that mix both cultures, so i used photo reference to draw both and get an idea of what is punk and suffragette clothing.

Even though the characters and themes of this page are unrelated to the project, it is a result of my previous research. The characters are from a cartoon that i watched in easter, so i punked them up, getting in to the swing of things.

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