Thursday 21 April 2016

Punkhirsts footsteps in the sand

So after having a tutorial, my tutor was concerned that i was getting caught up in the punk element of the project rather than Pankhurst... The bit that matters. He was totally correct, i started strong arming it in to being my own thing, but it wasn't to be. It hasn't all been a waste though, i will retain the punk elements, it'll just be more focussed on Pankhurst. On top of that during the crit my tutor also questioned my willing ness to explore my own style, noting that i draw the same way for each task. I did start to question the way i draw, is my work becoming stale and monotonous, should i try and change? I started to draw Pankhurst faces in different ways, but nothing felt right. Ill need to re visit this question another time, as time is short, pretty much having to start again close to the end of the project. Excited though, its still gonna be a good un, i can tell.

And so i start with the quote used on my rally test, pretty simple this one, Pankhurst giving a rally call, in her punkish attire. Im thinking of this one as an entry point to the project, just her, and her belief. I also start to consider using a symbol i designed in the character stage, that combines the A for anarchy and female symbol, seen to the bottom right of the second page. This will no doubt be my backdrop.

And so here i approach a new direction/ idea. So i'm thinking of the heritage of Pankhurst, and how she is the reason for most of the modern feminist movements, the fourth wave as it is known. I think i'm going to have her present in these current events, like a jesus footsteps in the sand sort of thing, she's been helping and joining in in spirit. Now for my first choice, i used Pussy Riot, one of the most notorious feminist groups currently, these women were arrested and detained for hooliganism, which set the world ablaze. I could easily have concentrated on the prison aspect and used the prison quote for their image, but id rather concentrate on the energy of these guys, celebrate their music, have Pankhurst on stage with them, using the quote, "You have to make more noise than anybody else". I can see this becoming a poster, planning on detailing a scene of some sort, the image would be squished on a post card.

Next is Femen, another notorious group that rally against Patriarchy and religion, by removing their clothes and writing messages upon themselves at gatherings related to these things. Its an interesting method and is soooo punk, they are literally doing exactly what the religious establishment doesn't want them to do right under their noses, and these guys have bled for this, there are images of the two women i have drawn on the second page bruised and bleeding after being attacked for their rebellion. So red is right for this one. The two women are quite important to the movement, with Hutsol being thefounder,and Shevchenko being the current leader. Femen are everywhere, with their main base of 
operations currently being in France. So all my thumbnails consist of the group all part of a rally, holding 
banners with the Pankhurst quote "Be militant, each of you in your own way", but they're all pretty boring 
formations, ill have a think about this and come back to it.

So for the final link, i thought i should cover something unknown, an event in China, were women were 
arrested for simply planning a rally on national women's day. Images of them actually rallying features 
them in bloodied wedding dresses, totally cool.Im for sure going to use the prison quote here, with 
Pankhurst and a member of the group both sat in prison, Pankhurst reassuring the other, almost 
encouraging her to keep fighting the good fight. Now i've done each of these pages in the colour schemes 
i intended to use for the outcomes, but this one complicates things a bit, see the orange just isn't right for 
the tender scene i intend to make, the pink and blue of the pussy riot picture would be more befitting, so i'll 
have to have a re think.

So just tightening things up now, getting some more finalised versions of my outcomes down, i didn't Bother to approach my first design again, i think thats all that it needs to be. The Femen design i still had the issue of lacklustre scenes, so i decided to close in to the three women of note, rather than show the crowd, in the final i will actually just feature the three and get rid of the small crowd. The poster i needed to decide a new colour scheme and tighten up the layout, how to position the band members in a way that leads the eye. The colours, i decided to use my range of highlighters, and man does it work, looks far more energetic and in your face than before, more befitting of the image. The prison scene, is shaping up to be my favourite, i'm very happy with how the colours are helping the feel of the image, and the shadow of the bars on the bodies looks very nice. Before i get in the making the finals i will talk about medium, i have been using and will continue to use pens, it feels right, the outcome is rough, and the material use implies that i just used something at hand, in tune with the punk, Jamie Reid ideology.

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