Saturday 1 October 2016

About the author study task 1

Kicking off the year, the class was tasked to create a 12 paged zine, A5 in scale, with work that acts as a visual response to my author, instantly my mind was abuzz with ideas, but one stood out to me:

A day in the life of Orwell feat Hitler

This one would somehow follow orwell through a day, drinking lots of tea, smoking, writing and somehow culminating in a fist fight with Hitler. The idea for this one spins from a combination of two of Orwell's essays. First an essay on Mein Kampf, written before the war, with Orwell pretty much warning that this Hitler fella isn't to be trusted. The second one being an essay on how to make the perfect cup of tea, which was written when he was frustrated at the lacklustre tea when he was based in india.

The idea appeals to me because it is going to be some goofy fun to work with. To start with i needed a recognisable cartoon version of orwell, simple to fit the goofy tone, and possibly old timey/ dated to symbolise events of the past, I'm thinking along the lines of Max Fleischer cartoon work.

And just that I created. Due to the tight schedule I wasn't comfortable putting time in to experimenting with little changes in character design and just settled on my first design. Silly really, I finished the project early and definitely had time to work further on the ideas. The face of hitler I did feel the need to experiment with, finding that his likeness was lost in his stage of being punched. When planning the page thumbnails, another time saving means popped up, but this time Im quite proud of this one, I had realised that if I created a medium shot of orwell behind a desk, i could primarily use objects on the table to tell the story. This meant that if I was to make the final images digitally, i would only need to draw each element once and move them around, and only really need to draw different expressions for orwell.

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