Thursday 6 October 2016

Professional editorial analysis

John Holcroft

I start things off with an image that instantly strikes me as an editorial image, shape based imagery that has a very clear message, simple and effective. I feel that this work concerns the objectification of women. The image plays with the phrase looked at her/him/me like a piece of meat, showing a person as a literal chunk of meat, and keeping the idea that this is supposed to be a person with the inclusion of underwear. The pose of the figure also helps to communicate the idea, as though it was a model posing for a photo shoot. I feel this work is a great bit of communication, but something that I wont really try to replicate stylistically, seen as Im not the biggest fan of shape based imagery. I will try to create imagery that communicates easily though.

Vincent Mahe

A shape driven image like the previous, but taken way further, there is a lot of detail to this image, a very interesting work that retains simple conveyance. I know that this work was created to commemorate the 40th anniversary of an airports opening (The Charles de Gaulle airport to be specific). This is shown with the setting having aeroplanes surrounding the focal building. The focal building is shaped like a cake with a slice taken from it, and cake candles atop in the shape of 40, clearly indicating a birthday of sorts and the age. I really appreciate how the illustrator has managed to have such a clear message in such a detailed image. The colour scheme is also quite nice, all the tones pop and leave the image with somewhat of a happy aura. This goes to show you can really work on an image but the message doesn't have to be muddied by the extra elements.

Isabelle Arsenault

I thought I'd add an additional work to show that editorial doesn't necessarily need to be shape driven or created with illustrator. This image happens to be made my a mixed media Illustrator, clearly painted, but still utilises simple motifs to clearly convey the message of the text. I feel this image concerns abortion, cleverly using the setting of wine spilt on a nice dress, the figure is attempting to wipe away the fetus shaped stain. She is possibly trying to say that the baby was a silly mistake, much like spilling a drink. Very powerful image that took me aback upon first viewing, this is a tonally dark image and possibly closer to the style of imagery i plan to create for my outcome.

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