Tuesday 4 October 2016

Zine crit and final thoughts

Lots of really nice feedback, the class seems to have appreciated my idea and execution. The only complaint I received was for the use of type on the cover which totally makes sense to me. I hadn't really put a great deal of thought in to the cover text as I pretty much quickly created it and instantly jumped in to the content. Its something that is kind of annoying me in hindsight, considering I had more than enough time to work on the text to write something neater. Lesson learnt, take the time to refine your work, don't let any detail slip.

So considering the short time span for the brief and ignoring the text, Im more than happy with my result, If I were to work on it again, I may try a black and white cartoon aesthetic, or i could go one step further in the future and actually animate the scene.

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