Sunday 15 January 2017

Final font

So I had a accidental breakthrough with type, during a lecture, type was on my mind, and so I started scratching away some rough text. It turned out to be just the ticket, a rough simple approach. I then took the idea to my sketchbook with a fat marker and voila! 

 I had the idea to then do with the text what I did with that print of the hobo head that I said I shelved way back when. Having a normal layer of text in black, then another layer of the same text, upside down in pink/ whatever colour is decide upon after having some colour experimentation. I feel messing with the text this way makes the cover far more interesting, kind of making you work to read the text, and have that bit more investment in picking up the book to flick through.

Speaking of the shelved idea, I said I'd work on the repeated likes print of the leaning large flattie, think it's tim to do so.

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