Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Self initiated comic: Page re work

Just as I promised, simplistic pages, to the extent that they are hard to understand without using the old draught as a point of reference. This stage Is less about the visual appeal of the comic, focusing more on how the story is delivered. I really have to consider layout at this point, changing things that were double page spreads to single, or condensing a three page sequence to, yet again a single page. Its always interesting and really quite daunting to find what can happen to the original draught at this point.

I feel comfortable using this as my frame of reference for the final pages. Coming back to the brief, I only need to make around five of the pages for submission. You could argue that planning the whole comic was somewhat unnecessary, but i do intended to make a complete issue come summer break. It also helps to ensure that the pages make some form of sense as a narrative whole. I feel like I will work on the first seven pages, introducing the characters, multiple environments and having a confrontation between Jess and a beast.

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