Wednesday 20 April 2016

Back to the book (after an unexpected rant)

Before i jump to the sketchbook, i did have a little illustrator induction. As i've mentioned before i have had experience with the programme, but was pretty quick to decide that i really didn't like it, and opted to avoid it since then. Now having to actually look at its basic features and have someone with knowledge of the programme to hand if i got too lost, i found it to be..... enjoyable, i must admit i had some fun with the process of creating the image.

Said image was a character from a Anime called "Totaro" i put my own twist on it and pretty much ruined the design but hey, why not. Now whilst the process was fun, i will be honest and say i'm still not feeling the possibilities and outcomes you can get with vectors, and in honesty, shape driven imagery. Coming back to the seagull task and different people honing in on different things, i feel my interest rests in a few things, energetic, decorative representational scenes, i have a pretty hard time appreciating shape driven imagery, there are examples i really like, but they are few and far between. Like i totally understand the idea behind the appeal, being able to see a shape in a glance and be able to tell it represents something else, that really excites some creatives, some people see the i heart NY image and think its the greatest, most ingenious piece of design, whereas i just think its a bit boring really. I don't really know what other way to put it, i feel super close minded to just turn my cheek at this big section of creativity, filled with opportunity and possibilities, but i'm just incapable of vesting an interest in it...

Man where did that come from, boy this is going to be a long project, lets get doodling.

I started with my favourite of my four picks, the Guggenheim! With it being a gallery, i knew there would be a great deal to work with besides the building itself if needs must. I drew the building first, again with the felt and highlighter combo i used for the Edinburgh castle, the shapes are so interesting, it was fun to wrap my head around how the separate segments measure up to each other. Next i looked at the interiors, the yellow block to the top left of the right page. Its just as kooky inside and fun to look at, this place is filled with possibility, lets see what artwork it has featured. Of my search, i've got three things of note, big metal spider, big flowery dog and big metal balls. With the basic shape sketches you can see i have played with the idea of the works interacting with the building, ill have i bit more of a think about this when it comes time for me to consider composition.

Next up the Krz.. The crooked house, with this being part of a shopping centre, it doesn't have all the interesting outside elements to add to the imagery, all i could really do was draw the building. This isnt a bad thing, as the building is super interesting and another one that was fun and challenging to get the scaling right. I did try drawing the building and incorporating the trees that sit a front it, but that just detracted from the image, and the purple pink combo was a no go, put me in mind of a shitty barbie castle, don't use that in an outcome.

The lotus temple, i am really fond of how pleasant this one is, but again not much more to do than just draw the building, i did have an idea of a version of the image that featured the building opened up, like the temple had blossomed.

 This naturally just got me thinking about how these images would look in a final outcome. I had also decided that i had lost interest in the stone house, and remembering my Edinburgh castle sketch would probably rather have a card of that. so within the composition sketches, theres the lotus temple sat on a body of water, reflecting an actual lotus. Also for some reason i drew the crooked house with the trees, knowing full well that that was the least interesting of the sketches, moment of madness i guess, and then the castle, contemplating the idea of putting a lion rampant or Scottish flag shaped clouds in the sky to show the locale, seen as the castle itself may seem like just a castle/

Now, its pretty clear that i am going to create architectural work, so its about time i looked in to how others make such imagery, get some artist research because i haven't got a clue how i want this to look as a final work.

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