Wednesday 20 April 2016

Early stages of the greetings from

 So, i really was unsure of where to start, the only thing i had to start with was that i wanted to create architechtural outcomes after being right at home with characters and animation in the previous brief, its only right i stress my self out with unfamiliarity on this brief, having architechture and vectors to work with. My first instinct was to make something from what is probably my favourite city, Edinburgh.

The two things that instantly came to mind were the castle and tartan, after using the highlighters in the gull simplification task, i decided to work with them again, and for the tartan element, were super handy, the darker shades as the colour overlaps was perfect for replicating the effect of tartan. As for using highlighters and felts to render the castle, i got a really interesting outcome, something i think is completely wrong for a vectors task, but might be used for my next project. I then attempted merging the two, and stripping the castle down to just shape, interesting results, but just doesnt feel like the right direction, too detailed to too flat, ive got to find a different direction.

I tried to think a different way, possibly portraying locations through costume elements, but i stopped myself because A, The idea is too general, (rather than looking at a kilt fella and thinking Edinburgh, youre more likely to think Scotland), and B, its just bloody character design again, not what i set out to do.

 Again had another general idea, portraying religious icons of cities but this again would have one think of the country in general again. Thankfully, the wonderous creativity killer that is social media actually helped me for a change, as i randomly came accross a video on the "House on the rock"and boy is it a crazy place. Its a tourist attraction located between the cities of Dodgeville and Spring Green, Wisconsin. It consists of architecturally unique rooms, streets, gardens, and shops containing Armour, cars, a carouselle and an invisible band. The best part is that its all fake, everything excluding the cars were either built or curated by one guy. Now with this sitting between two cities, i knew i couldnt use it, but it sparked the idea that i should make work about weird architecture, wonky blocky, wavy, bright, whatever stands out from the norm.

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