Wednesday 20 April 2016

Greetings from.. illustrator... uh oh

So, new project, and its a real bastard! Create four postcards, relating to four cities of my own choice, thats alright, right? But heres the kicker, they have to be done as vectors on adobe illustrator... 

Yeah, its safe to say im not a fan of the programme, but hopefully my opinion can be swayed through the course of the project.

To start things off I was given a word, which was seagull and had to repeatedly draw a seagull, simplifying it with each drawing. This was to get me in the mindset of using shape and basic elements of a thing to imly it rather than directly show it. This is because vectors shine with imagery that consists of basic shapes and forms, they are forms that consist of other shapes rather than pixels, meaning it can be re sized without damaging quality, but im not doing GCSE ICT anymore so lets not get caught up in logistics and just get stuck in.
We were only allowed to use a limited colour pallette, so i fancied a bit of pink, bought some pink things specifically for the task and fired in, slowly simplifying the humble gull. The thing that caught my interest in the process was the difference in just using shapes and just using a minimal amount of linework. Also finding that neither was garunteed to be a better outcome, see, as i reached the end of the page i got caught in lines, whereas my tutor came over and remarked that the shape driven fifth bird was the most interesting. A little insight to the fact that we all have differing interests when looking at and creating imagery, not everybody thinks like me, and therefore some will naturally create and seek imagery that opposes the things that interest me and i implement, we all are aware we have different tastes, but i always find it super interesting when little things like this really point it out, hence the unnecessary paragraph.

 Just a few more outcomes working on the existing two blocks of interest for myself.

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