Thursday 21 April 2016

Postcards in summary

Yay, i did it, i made outcomes on illustrator and didn't die, and learnt a few things along the way. I still dislike the programme, sadly, it just doesn't cater to my interests in image making. If you want to make shape driven imagery you'll love it, but i guess i just don't. Maybe i'm pig headed but i did really want to have a breakthrough, an appreciation of the subject thanks to the task, but it just isn't happening. I am pleased with my outcomes in terms of colour, and my peers assure me that the images are nice so i cant really argue. There is something thats bothering me about the project itself though, i feel like we've been tasked to make vector images and not demonstrate the most exciting part, the seamless scaling. I want to blow this shit up! (Metaphorically, size wise i mean), i want to squish it down, i don't feel that anybody has really had this sort of revelation on this possibility within the class who didn't know so already, its a bit of a shame, sorry to question your methods and all that mister tutor marking this work, it just feels like a missed opportunity. But at least if i need to use illustrator, i wont feel the need to hide my head in my collar like beaker. In fact i can use it quite confidently now.

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