Thursday 21 April 2016


I did a bit more faffing around thumbnail wise, considering portraying the buildings blown out in to their different strange elements, but came to the conclusion that the real appeal of the buildings is how those weird elements come together in the final form, so digital time.

Jumping back in to Illustrator, it has been a while since the induction, so i eased myself back in with the pen tool and drawing the Guggenheim, using my felt and highlighter drawing of the building as my point of reference. Looks pretty cool, but i think i'm gonna stick to basic shapes and see how that goes.

Yeah this is what i was looking for, the colour looks great to me, taking the yellow away from the original design has somehow helped, and the biggest improvement over that draught, smooth, slick looking vectors.

Fancying a stab at one of the Brutalist buildings, i had a crack at the Barbican. It was far simpler than i expected, finding out about the path finder tool. How do i put it, you can use it to combine separate shapes, separate shapes, and cut shapes out of other shapes. So say i make a rectangle then strips on top of it, i can cut the strips out or add them to the rectangle to make one shape. The barbican was created (image that is) almost purely by utilising this tool. 

Finishing the image and having created a colour palette i'm pleased with, i shifted the building about the page a bit to test layouts and decided upon the lower image.

Bottom right, same as the Guggenheim

 So yeah, don't see any point in separating these two, like the previous results i use my sketchbook sketches for the image, and decided the colours as i made them, placed them bottom right, for a nice slice of consistency.

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