Wednesday 20 April 2016

Testing testing 1. 2.

Im all clued up, and have an idea for where i want to go, i better get some digital work

So heres my first stab at digitally generated outcomes and, to a trained eye you may notice, "gee, those vectors are kind of wavy, they don't look very vectory", to which i say vectory isn't a word and you are totally right. Im a little cheat, it was coming up to a crit and i had hardy any time left, so i quickly banged the images out on photoshop  and used a tool on illustrator called "image trace", that traces said images to vectors and never gives a smooth finish. It's handy for if you want to upscale line work , and does give a respectable finish regardless, but absolutely isn't what i should rely upon. Outside of that, i feel that there is a bit much in the images, that they should possibly be just the buildings and no outside elements.The colour is nice, i think the colour schemes may stay. I feel like i should jump on doing things the right way, with vectors.

Before doing so i did have a bit of a change of heart for my building choices, realising that all of them were smooth and wavy, i wanted a bit of a contrast, some brutalist architecture, raw blocky beauts. For this i found the Georgian ministry of architecture, all the info is in the name, and the Barbican, a performing arts centre in London, i've actually been to this one.

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