Tuesday 27 September 2016

Cormac McCarthy

No Country For Old Men

My first read, and boy what a cracker it was! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, its certainly butting heads with One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest for the position of my favourite book. That being said, i regret to say that those engrained images of the film are all that would appear for my mental imagery, every wonderful monologue from Sheriff Ed Tom Bell was said by Tommy Lee Jones, the cruel calculated acts of Chigurh were acted by Javier Bardem. A testament to how well the film brings the book to the big screen, but man does that not help me, thankfully the book was great enough to not be counted as wasted time, Im grateful that the project finally got me to read this book, as it has been sat on my bookshelf untouched for months. There is a lesson to be learnt from this experience, if I see a film release adapted from a book that i have yet to read, definitely clear the book first ( nervously checks the impending release of the girl on the train).

(Unnecessary note: Ive read and watched the girl on the train now, average book, film's not great..)

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