Monday 26 September 2016

Author brief/ About the author

So having a gander at the author list it became pretty obvious which three i would look in to, those being :

George Orwell

The name on my lips as soon as an authors brief was mentioned, i've read the two big titles (1984 and Animal Farm) a while ago, and have always wanted an excuse to both re read said titles, and go through more of his catalogue. I am in awe of this mans vision, but clearly, i'm not the only one, as there is a wealth of artworks and other such media out there dedicated to the man, the difficulty would be to bring my own vision to his stories without subconsciously hijacking the work i've already seen. I see this as a good issue though, as it will most likely force me to concentrate more on the man himself, creating work from his diary entries and essays.

Cormac McCarthy

Another dicy one, my interest in McCarthy stems from the movie adaptations of his books (The road and No country for old men) both films that i have a great appreciation for and are engrained in my mind, not great for trying to make my own spin on the works, so i will for sure give one of his books a read and see if its a lost cause whilst reading it.

Franz Kafka

The dark horse of the picks, i know very little about Kafka, other than horror things being labeled 'Kafkaesque' and that he wrote a story called metamorphosis where a fella turns in to a bug. Horror is a genre i haven't really touched in a literary sense, i've read a lot of teen horror books back in the day, but lets face it they don't count, so hopefully this acts as a little gateway to some creepy stuff, quite excited about discovering this one.

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