Wednesday 30 November 2016

Illustration friday: Steam

So I had a crack at illustration Friday for responsive, and i'm not too happy with the experience. I guess it's simple enough, and I shouldn't complain, but the site seems to have a real potential for a strong community that celebrates quality of work and great ideas. Rather than this, the site lacks any community elements, you upload your image, and thats that. The interface doesn't encourage looking through others work, and I found a lot of uploads that simply didn't relate to the theme, the images being links to peoples portfolios. All this comes together to make the site feel like a bit of a dumping ground, the winning entry of each week isn't even shown clearly, you have to actively look for them yourself, negating the bonus/ reward of entrants focusing on that entry specifically. So much potential wasted.

So for my entry, I drew a steamy skull... i kinda just fancied drawing it really, not a great deal of thought put in to it.

Edit: Speaking of having to search for the winner, the next week theme of aquatic didn't even have a winner announced. I don't see myself coming back to illustration Friday too often, possibly if I catch wind of a word that interests me.

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