Saturday 14 January 2017

Next spread, thieving from a farmer

 And now its back to the theft image from the editorial

Ive got a pretty simple layout planned for this one, using the design from the editorial draught. The scene will be between two growing bushes, i'm sure that's not the official terminology but it'll do. One side in the distance will feature a shouting, monotype farmer, with Orwell and Ginger running away at the opposite end, arms filled with raspberries. I feel unsure as to wether this will be too barren considering it will stretch accross two pages. I really need monotype to bring some character to this image or I may need to re think it entirely. With that I also felt the need to really give some detail to Orwell and Ginger.

Giving them the hobo hatch work look, having this makes me feel a little surer about the page, the characters are pretty strong as a focal point. I decided that Ginger would be in to stealing, being a thief already. For this I gave him a big grin, looking onward, uncaring about the farmer chasing him, again, he'd be used to this kind of occurrence. Orwell on the other hand does look back, but seems caught up in the excitement, holding back with a slight smirk as he does so. There were multiple entries of these events happening to the two (asking for work, getting rejected, stealing), leading me to believe that they would have probably not be struck with guilt whilst stealing, doing what they had to to get by.

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