Tuesday 17 January 2017


The outcomes are finished! Its time to start thinking about how to package them.

In order to separate the elements of the unit, I used a little sticker that I made, something that used my "signature/logo" and also was in keeping thematically with the outcomes and work of the unit. Its a really simple little addition, but the labels do really make navigating the work much easier. It also benefits the collection by making things look that bit more professional, even if it is just a bit of newsprint made in to a little folder.

I think my final presentation of both physical outcomes have worked in their favour, especially the book, having packaging like that actually makes the outcome seem more commercially viable, I feel like I could totally sell copies of this now.

I updated a couple things with my editorial also, alongside the addition of the fake newspaper set up, I did a little touch up on the horse image. This is one that was noted as being the weakest of my editorial set, the main reason stated was that the horse didin't quite have the render quality of the rest of the images. So at the end of the project and having some time, it was only right to address the issue.

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