Tuesday 7 March 2017

Ideas for consideration

Starting things off, I have a few ideas floating around with one that I'm pretty keen to work on.

Firstly an idea to work on concept designs for an animated movie adaptation of lord of the flies. A book Im really quite fond of, and has a lot of potential for fun character designs, buut, the last unit required a lot of working from books, and Im a little burnt out on that. Im going to pass on this one.

I also considered something along the lines of westernising some Japanese work, such as Berserk, or possibly perfect blue. As time progressed, I disliked the idea more and more, to the point of feeling bad for even generating it, It irritates me when I find out something I like has been adapted for another country (Oldboy, inbetweeners and IT crowd being prime examples). So this became a deffinite miss.

This left me with my main Idea, a comic dealing with the subject of death. This will be based off personal experiences, of which I will go in to more detail for the project proposal. Speaking of which, It is time to crack on with that.

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