Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Richard Hawley: Disgraceland poster

I started by trying to figure out layouts, angling and scale, sticking to the landscape idea mentioned in the previous post. I kind of struggled to come to a conclusion on wether to create a far out or a close scene. I had ideas of the poster being the viewpoint of someone looking over a cliff, looking at the disgrace land. Also a map in the shape of Hawleys Head as the disgrace lands. Through process of elimination though, I found closer vantages to make for more interesting imagery.

Starting with a design that shows a sort of entrance to the disgrace lands, this idea spans from what I can only imagine to be the inspiration to the name, Elvis Presleys former home, dubbed the "graceland"

So, for the Image I had hawley's grace lands entrance be a gate, similar the Elivis', leading to an open environment, with the occasional guitar apparatus strewn about in the environment.

For another design, I concentrated on the recording studio aspect, the studio in the foreground, the wire leads out, spelling the names in the process, and the bottom of Hawleys legs, enjoying the open space as he records/ performs. This is pretty much how Im going to leave these designs for now. Im itching to refine them, as there is a lot more work that can be done with them, but we wont hear from Hawley until after the hand in, and feel the next step should have his suggestions. With that in mind, this is yet another task complete.

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