Thursday 12 January 2017

Printed pictures draughting

Having scratched the itch with that initial test, i needed to get my act together and start concentrating on actually fulfilling the task at hand, starting with getting some ideas down. I felt the best way to look at this project would be to continue with what I came up with in the editorial task, build upon the ideas that excited me.

This started with the homeless stories. I really wanted to work with this for the editorial section, but coming to this task, I'm very glad I decided to sit on it, they will no doubt be a better point of reference for a narrative based print book. If I do work on this, I believe that I will be making a comic from the diary entries. 
My second idea was something somewhat new. I had a video idea during those oh so early stages, where a speech is issued by someone (probs Hitler) that slowly spreads, and transforms those that encounter it in to soldiers. Orwell would then show up and present a book that turns them back. This is something that after the draught, I can confidently say will only really work with video, so I'll sit on that one for a little bit longer. It would just be a bit boring, with pages of crowds just stood about.
Final book idea, pages that contain an image of Orwell's prediction for the future, and then the reality, something that resembles the previous idea in the modern day. Im not really too confident on this one, as Id be remiss to leave out a Donald Trump/ Cesar the pig reference to this one , but simply don't want to be another person drawing the Donald. As I write this, I've seen over twenty different "satirical" illustrations relating to the man within the last week, and the Joke is getting really old, but the Internet loves that, hence still hearing about god damned Harambe the gorilla.. So yeah, not too keen on that one.

Aside from making a book, there is also an option to make a series of prints, so i again turned back to my editorial ideas. Starting with imagery that dealt with Orwell's love of tea, and anthropomorphic versions of the cast of animal farm. Neither strike me as being as interesting as the diary book idea, so it didn't take long to conclude that I should work on the first book.

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