I wanted a male and Female lead for this comic, having the Female character (Jess) take centre stage in the section that I am going to create .he story has them venturing to earth's surface, so they both need a reason to be down there. It is because of this that I made them part of some military, both sent to bring someone who ventured to the surface, back to one of the cities.
Jess will be the fighter, taking a stealth approach to her task, she is dressed in prominently dark clothing, short blades, and shoes modified with gold, giving the character more manoeuvrability options. I want her to come accross as competent, with a somewhat punk, tom boy look to her, someone that seems they could hold their own.
Finley, the male character, is to be less competent, a sniper of some kind that can cover Jess from afar. His outfit is more in your face, a typical soldiers wear in this environment. With no human enemies for standard soldiers, the outfit works more as a statement, loud and proud. I hope that there is a clear difference between the two characters uniforms, showing that they have different positions, and statures. Finn is more of a typical soldier, whereas Jess is a specialist. Regardless of this, I'd like to show that the two have known each other for a long time before the reader meets them, and have a unique bond, the probable reason for their pairing.
As for the antagonists, the beasts. I want to make big, somewhat dumbfounded looking, but also powerful creatures. When creating these I kind of mixed elements of pig and human to create the forms. This is because I wish to make them kind of unsettling. Doing some research on monster design, I was reminded as to how effective and creepy the monsters in the silent hill games are, and their designs are always derived from the human form.
The art director of the games believes that by disfiguring something we can relate to, our bodies, it is a really effective means of communicating fear through design. Id be inclined to agree, but didn't really wish to take it to the extremes of the game, i'm looking for unsettling designs, not all out scares.
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